By Jeanette Berry, March, 1975

Spring is one of my favorite seasons of the year.  New little buds on the trees and new-born lambs bouncing near their mothers.  Flowers begin to pop through the ground and I am reminded that Jesus said in Revelation 21:5, "...Behold, I make all things new..."

I love new things.  New babies; new clothes; new places; and (with some reservation) new experiences.  Anything new excites me.  I enjoy the freshness of a new dress.  I love learning the customs of cultures new to me, and places that are new to me.  As I read the Word of God I realize that for the Christian there are many new things.

When we were saved we became new creatures and now walk in a new way.  Like a new baby, we grow and learn.  The new way is similar to being in a new country.  It is different from the ways we were used to.  The road is more narrow, but we have a Guide and we know our destination is Heaven.  In fact, Revelation tells us it is a new Heaven and a new earth.  We sing a lot on this new way.  It is a happy song, but one day we will even sing a new song.  Then from a women's point of view, a happy thought, we will have new clothes,---the robe of righteousness.  There's more.

When Tom calls me Jeanette, it is usually serious.  I like the special names he calls me---and me alone.  Revelation 2:17 tells us we will have a new name and it will be so special that it will be known by one one else.

New creature, new way, new song, new clothes, new name, new home, "...Behold I make all things new."  Can you imagine? 

So next time I start getting that longing for new shoes or a new  dress, I think I can be very Scriptural.  Like a type of things to come.

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