"In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins."  1st John 4:10.

One of the hymns I especially like is a song written by Avis B. Christiansen entitled, "Love Found A Way."
          "Wonderful love that rescued me, sunk deep in sin
          Guilty and vile as I could be.  No hope within;
          When every ray of light had fled, O glorious day! 
          Raising my soul from out the dead, love found a way.
          Love found a way to redeem my soul.
          Love found a way that could make me whole;
          Love sent my Lord to the cross of shame.
          Love found a way---O praise His holy name."

When man sinned it put a mighty gulf between God and man.  Man believed Satan and disbelieved God.  Man chose Satan's way and rejected God's way.  Man became a sinner by nature, by choice and by action.

God has revealed Himself as a God of holiness, righteousness and justice.  These qualities can have no fellowship with sin.  They also require that sin be punished.  On the other hand, God has also revealed that He is a God of love, mercy, compassion, and grace.  These qualities yearned for man to be restored to fellowship with Him.

What God's holiness, righteousness, and just required the love, mercy and grace of God provided.  God clothes His Son in a human body.  His Son, Jesus, had all our sins laid on Him.  He then received the full punishment for all our sins.  After three days He rose again from the dead and sent forth the message that all who receive Him as their Savior by faith will be restored to fellowship with God forever.

God spanned the seemingly unbridgeable gap, but oh what a price He paid!  Avis Christiansen was right on target when he wrote that song, "Love Found A Way".  One of the things that deeply impresses every serious Bible student is that there is not a need that man has but what God has made provision to meet it.  We may not even know what they are.  Other times we know what they are, but don't take advantage of the provision God has made.  Sometimes we get frustrated because God's timetable for taking care of our needs is not the same as ours.  Yet, every believer possesses deep within the confidence that from the vantage point of eternal glory every need will have been met forever. 

God still sees the need of every human and He still loves and desires to fulfill them.  God works primarily through His people to do this.  As we come to know God intimately,---to know  His mind and His heart, we begin to know His love.  When God fills our heart with His love we begin to see the requirements of others  and we are motivated to try to satisfy them.  What are they, you may ask.

The greatest need every person has is to receive forgiveness of sin and salvation of their soul.  We share with them the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.  After a person is saved, one of his or her great needs is to know God intimately and to learn God's ways.  This is accomplished by teaching God's Word.

On the path of life there are many obstacles and pitfalls.  We experience rejection, or perhaps worse, neglect; there may be financial reverses; husbands and wives may experience conflict; parents may abuse children;  children may break the heart of their parents; drug or alcohol addiction may crop up in the family; immorality may bring its blight; loved ones may die.  These and a thousand other turmoil's require loving encouragement, comfort and counsel.

Yes, there is poverty, crime of every sort, frightening tension among nations.  There is great ignorance and seemingly no workable plan to produce strong character in those millions of young people growing into adults.  All of this requires that God's people be a light that shines in the darkness of the world and a salt that holds back corruption.

Paul talked about the love of God being shed abroad in our hearts. (Romans 5:5).  When it is, then we, like God, will see the need and be moved to do what we can to fulfill it.

Copyright © 2002 Thomas E Berry
Scripture quotations from NKJV unless otherwise noted

    Copyright © 2008 Truth Helpers Inc.